sreda, 29. april 2015


I've been thinking about this for quite a while and now  I've  finally  decided to start writing my little blog in English because:
 a) I would really like to improve my English writing and I feel like this blog is a perfect opportunity,
 b) I have a few friends that don't understand Slovene but still want to read my blog, which I think is really lovely and
 c) I just feel like it, I think it's fun and I feel more productive and happy to use my brain a little bit more.

To be honest I'm not much of a dress kind of girl. I feel like dresses don't look good on me and I feel like they always make me look even shorter than I actually am, which I don't like. Also I feel like they are not really comfy and too fancy for me. But while I was searching for new clothing pieces in Zara I found this easy breezy sleeveless dress that I immediately fell in love with. It has that high neck thing I'm obsessed with right now and most importantly: STRIPES! I'm a real sucker for a good old striped clothes. I feel like they always look so effortless yet very flattering and put together. I don't know, I just have a thing for stripes and I own way too many striped clothes. But hey, what can you do.

So let me say a few words about this outfit. I paired this pretty dress with my all time favourite white low Docs which I will never not like. I added my new backpack that I bought while I was in Madrid. It's funky and cute, and it was a real bargain plus it's such a conversation starter and I always get compliments on it when I wear it. Lastly in honor of spring I spiced up my simple outfit with a flower crown which I made out of Dandelions. 

Zara: dress
Doc Martens: shoes
H&M: backpack
Vintage: sunglasses

Photos were taken by Katja Korošec

I hope you don't mind me writing in english, I will really try my best to make as little mistakes as possible,  enjoy the photos and have a lovely day!
Thank you for reading!

nedelja, 26. april 2015



Joj, sploh ne vem kje bi začela. Tole je bil definitivno eden najdaljših tednov, govorim o moji prejšnji objavi in obljubi, da se slišimo prihodnji teden. To se očitno ni zgodilo. Če začnem naštevati izgovore zakaj si nisem vzela časa za pisanje in fotkanje lahko rečem, da sta mi zimska tema in mraz pobrala vso motivacijo, da sem bila čez glavo zakopana z učbeniki in vsemi mogočimi testi, vsa odlična praznična hrana pa mi je zbijala samozavest, tako da nisem imela volje do fotkanja.
Pa vendar, zdaj je tu pomlad! In pomlad ostaja moj najljubši letni čas, toplo vreme,  v šolo se lahko vozim s kolesom, ogromno rož, pozitivna energija, dogaja cel kup ljubkih stvari, živahne barve in polna mera motivacije. (No, vsaj v tem trenutku.) 

Ker pomlad pomeni, da lahko pospravim debele plašče in puloverje je v moji omari zavladala praznina. Zato se bila nekako primorana, da grem v trgovine in si osvežim mojo garderobo za pomlad in poletje. Zadnje čase se za v šolo rada oblačim bolj športno in udobno, trendi za pomlad in poletje pa so mi na srečo v prid. Najbolj sem navdušena nad majicami z visokimi ovratniki in supergami. Komaj čakam, da bo dovolj toplo, da jih lahko začnem nositi. 

No, da zaključim z nepotrebnimi besedami. Upam, da ohranim motivacijo in da se beremo naslednji teden! 

hlače: H&m
majica: Brand Melville
čevlji: Adidas
nahrbnik: Primark

foto: Katja Korošec